Patients and clinicians can now level up swallowing exercises with an innovative Mobili-T® device. Complete swallowing exercises and “see” muscle activity as it happens. The Mobili-T app has two easy-to-use programs to fit your therapy needs.

With remote digital sEMG biofeedback, clinicians can deliver therapy where they need to, and, with the online clinician portal, objectively track adherence to make more precise decisions for better swallowing outcomes.

Mobili-T is the ONLY device for dysphagia cleared by the FDA able to be used with remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM) billing codes.


  • Visualize Swallowing and Engage with Feedback: Muscle excitation is captured by small sensors (the size of small buttons) that stick on the surface of the skin using adhesive. Using the app, patients are guided through exercises and “see” their swallow activity.
  • Get Objective Data: Track progress to incrementally challenge patients with different workouts or more difficult targets. Use Mobili-T to work with patients either in clinic or during home- visits. Simply clean the device with an alcohol pad. Use the Clinician Web-Portal to create multiple patient profiles and customize workouts.
  • See Patient’s Home Adherence Data Instantly – Monitor Remotely: Sending patients home with swallowing exercises? Move beyond guessing with pen and paper: Mobili-T directly monitors their progress, gathers data, and each patient’s program is customizable at the click of a button in the Clinician Portal which connects to an easy-to-use app for patient use. CPT codes available for billing of remote therapeutic monitoring.
  • Flexibility: Mobili-T can be used virtually anywhere… in clinic, in residential treatment settings, at home or on the go. Fits in a pocket and requires no wires just an iPhone or iPad to use with the app.
  • Easy to Use and Motivating: Improve patient compliance and adherence to their swallow exercises with biofeedback. Power on, Place device, Start exercising. Easy as 1,2,3.


  • Easy to use as an assessment tool or to teach effortful swallow
  • Improve adherence – Patients can see what an effortful and held swallow should feel like
  • Improve continuity of care with patients using device 6 days per week at home
  • Improve quality of life
  • Improve oral intake
  • Reduce need for feeding tubes
  • Reduce hospital admissions
  • Reduce length of stay
  • Reduce cost of dysphagia treatment
  • Reduce number of in person visits required
  • Increase billing using RTM billing codes
  • Increase number of patients able to be seen in a day

HIPAA compliant and clinically tested

Trusted and reviewed by patients and clinicians

Award winning technology and design

Mobili-T: Convenience on many levels transforming dysphagia treatment

So small it fits in your pocket, does not require any wires to connect and comfortably adheres to the patient’s skin under their chin.

Mobili-T can be used across many settings from acute, inpatient, outpatient to home health

Purchase loaner devices for your patients to use at home or with caregivers in LTC to provide continuity of care

Click HERE for research, videos and articles.


Early Market Feedback

“This is going to be a game changer for so many people”
“My patient said, It finally clicked.”
“I literally had to pry it out of my patient’s hands.”

“When I started with your product, it took me 5 hours to drink a cup of coffee. I can drink one now in 15 minutes!”
“I was using the device through my clinician at Stanford but had to turn it in. I loved it so much, I purchased one for myself. I have moved from just water to having one meal a day.”

Here is why I love your product:

  • I can use it anytime. I don’t need an appointment with my therapist to do the exercises with feedback.  
  • It is easy to use. The device is very user-friendly and the app tutorials are easy to follow & force you to use the device properly.  The visual instructions are great.
  • The feedback interface is easy to follow. It immediately tells you if you are doing things correctly and incents you to try better the next time.
  • Because it is on my phone, it is easy for me to remember to do my exercises every day.  
  • Timing. I tried to exercise at different times of the day and could clearly see that my swallowing was better in the morning.  That’s helped me time my real food intake for earlier in the day and leave the feeding tube for later in the day.

U.S., Mobili-T Customer, California

“I am pleasantly surprised by how much I love this, it’s so small, so light, and so well designed! The adhesive stayed on and I had the device on for two hours as I was charting.”

Cancer Center Clinician

“Patient buy-in to traditional swallowing exercises was a barrier to treatment. But with Mobili-T and a visual representation of the exercises, something clicked. The advantage of visual biofeedback was more effective than using solely clinician explanation and demonstration. And because of this, we may see better adherence with Mobili-T and in turn better functional outcomes. Also, patients feel like swallow rehab is a more collaborative process when they’re in charge of their own exercises.”


Bring this change of practice device to your clinic!

Click HERE to contact us for pricing and packages
or to place an order