The following are articles and research on neuromuscular electrical stimulation for dysphagia (aka NMES or VitalStim therapy) and The Breather®, plus research and articles on Mobili-T® the sEMG biofeedback device

Research on NMES

Summary of Evidence – NMES for the treatment of dysphagia

Dysphagia CafeVitalStim: Analysis of NMES and dysphagia literature

ASHA LeaderSwallowing Treatment in Acute Care Looks Different With COVID-19

Dysphagia CafeSwallowing and patients on mechanical ventilation: Something to chew on

PulmCCMDysphagia and swallowing disorders in the ICU (Review)

BMC: Critical CarePostextubation dysphagia is persistent and associated with poor outcomes in survivors of critical illness

ATS JournalsRecovery from Dysphagia Symptoms after Oral Endotracheal Intubation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Survivors – A 5-Year Longitudinal Study

American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery FoundationTranscutaneous electrical stimulation versus traditional dysphagia therapy

Dysphagia CafeCurrent and emerging evidence-based strategies for targeting the laryngeal elevators

Pediatric NMES and Dysphagia Research Summary

Frontiers in NeuroscienceNeuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Improves Swallowing Initiation in Patients with Post-Stroke Dysphagia

Research on The Breather®
and Respiratory Muscle Training

Conditions The Breather can Support and Why PLUS Purposes for Use

The Breather Protocol by Use Case

Breathing, Speech, and Swallow- How it All Fits Together

Time‐Efficient Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training Lowers Blood Pressure and Improves Endothelial Function

Benefits of RMT on Dysphagia Patient Outcome and Economic Burden

Benefits of RMT in Parkinson’s Disease

Case Study: RMT as an Intervention for Cardiopulmonary Decline

Clinical Case: The Breather Reduces Risk of Pulmonary Complications and Mortality After Spinal Injury

Clinical Pilot – The Breather Improves Speech and Pulmonary Function in COPD Patients in Home Health

Clinical trial: Reduce symptoms of COPD in two weeks using The Breather

Dyspnea and the Effect of RMT

Effects of Combines Respiratory Muscle Training (cRMT) on Dysarthric Speech Following a Single CVA

Effect of Inspiratory Muscle Training on Children with Cerebral Palsy – a Randomized Control Trial

Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation with RMT on the Impact of COPD on Healthcare Resources

Effect of Respiratory Muscle Training on Dysphagia in Stroke Patients – A Retrospective Pilot Study

Effect of IMT Plus EMT on Multiple Sclerosis

Effect of RMT by Inspiratory Muscle Training on Failure to Wean

Effect of RMT by Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training on Failure to Wean from MV

Effect of RMT on ADL in People with Stroke and Heart Failure

Effect of RMT on Asthma

Effect of RMT and Postural Techniques on Dysphagia

Effect of RMT on Cough and Swallow Function

Effect of RMT on Diaphragm Asymmetry after Stroke

Effect of RMT on Drug Delivery Using Dry Powder Inhalers

Effect of RMT on Muscle Strength and Quality of Life in Heart Failure

Effect of RMT on Neuromuscular Disease

Effect of RMT on Oxygen Uptake and Ventilatory Function

Effect of RMT on Reflux in GERD

Effect of RMT on Respiratory Muscle Strength Cough Post-Stroke

Effect of RMT on Sleep Architecture in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Effectiveness of RMT in Female Asthma Patients

Flu, Pneumonia & Covid019 Utilizing RMT for Risk-Reduction, Treatment & Recovery

How RMT Could Reduce Hospital Readmission Rates in COPD Patients

How RMT can Affect Memory and Cognitive Decline

How RMT can Reduce Blood Pressure and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Improve the Quality of your Voice with RMT

Meta-Analyses: Improvement in Blood Pressure, Pulmonary Functions, and Sleep Quality by IMT in OSA patients

Pilot Study- Hyolaryngeal Muscle Activation in Response to RMT using The Breather

Proof of concept for effect of respiratory muscle therapy on heart failure

Research Statistics on Using the Breather for Voice and Speech

RMT and postoperative pulmonary complications risk

Should RMT be Standard of Care for all Patients at Risk of Prolonged Hospitalization

Substantiated Effects RMT has on Dyspnea, COPD, CHF, Dysphagia, Asthma and Spinal Cord Injury

The Breather Competitive Advantage – Resistive vs Threshold

Use of RMT in Children

Addition of inspiratory muscle training to aerobic training improves cardiorespiratory responses to exercise in patients with heart failure and inspiratory muscle weakness

Implications of expiratory muscle strength training for rehabilitation
of the elderly: Tutorial

Covid-19 Patients Suffer Long-term Lung and Heart Damage but it can Improve with Time

Prevalence of reduced respiratory muscle strength in institutionalized elderly people

Effect of Combined Respiratory Muscle Training (cRMT) on Dysphonia following Single CVA: A Retrospective Pilot Study

Stress Resilience Program for Healthcare Professionals during a Pandemic: A Pilot Program

Impact of RMT on Pulmonary Function and Vascular Compliance – a Case Report

Added Benefits of Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT) Using the Breather to Improve Mental Focus

The Effects of 8 Weeks of Inspiratory Muscle Training on the Balance of Healthy Older Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

Effect of expiratory muscle strength training on elderly cough function

Respiratory muscle training increases respiratory muscle strength and reduces respiratory complications after stroke: a systematic review

The Effects of 1 Year of Specific Inspiratory Muscle Training in Patients With COPD

How does the Diaphragm Affect Posture and Balance? (video)

Mobili-T®: Research, Articles and News

What does it mean to “see” my swallow? by Gabi Constantinescu

Treating Dysphagia with sEMG Biofeedback

Usability Testing of a mHealth System for Swallowing Therapy in Patients Following Stroke

Surface Electromyographic Biofeedback and the Effortful Swallow Exercise for Stroke-Related Dysphagia and in Healthy Ageing

Surface electromyography for speech and swallowing systems: measurement, analysis, and interpretation

A Long Way Round: The Journey from Brain to Muscle to Your sEMG Sensor

Electromyography as a biofeedback tool for rehabilitating swallowing muscle function in dysphagia

Effects of electromyographic biofeedback as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of swallowing disorders: a systematic review of the literature

How Strong Should My Swallow Be?

Adherence to Home-Based Swallowing Therapy Using a Mobile System in Head and Neck Cancer Survivors

Electromyography and Mechanomyography Signals During Swallowing in Healthy Adults and Head and Neck Cancer Survivors

Researchers say new technology helps some patients with neck and tongue cancer relearn how to swallow food

‘I can actually eat a burger now!’ Mobile health technology shows promising results for patients with head and neck cancer

New wireless device to help patients with head and neck cancer swallow

Health Matters Feb 4: Global News segment on Mobili-T

Mobili-T: A mobile health solution Noble Strategy and Research Award- Core 77 Design Awards 2017

Q&A: The thinking behind a solution for swallowing disorders

Meet the winners of the AGE-WELL National Impact Challenge: Startup Edition

The Rise of Telehealth in the United States: The present and the future of dysphagia telerehabilitation

Interpreting Signal Amplitudes in Surface Electromyography Studies in Sport and Rehabilitation Sciences

List of Research on the benefits of sEMG and biofeedback for dysphagia:

  • Chen, Y., Huang, H., Xu, W., Wallis, R. I., Sundaram, H., Rikakis, T., Ingalls, T., Olson, L., & He, J. (2006). The design of a real-time, multimodal biofeedback system for stroke patient rehabilitation. Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 763–772.
  • Miller, N. E. (1989). Biomedical Foundations for Biofeedback as a Part of Behavioural Medicine. In J. V. Basmajian (Ed.), Biofeedback: Principles and Practice for Clinicians (pp. 5-15). Baltimore, Maryland: Williams & Wilkins.
  • Bryant M. Biofeedback in the treatment of a selected dysphagic patient. Dysphagia. 1991;6(3):140-doi:10.1007/BF02493516
  • Haynes, S. N. (1976). Electromyographic biofeedback treatment of a woman with chronic dysphagia. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 1(1), 121–126.
  • Steele, C. M., Bennett, J. W., Chapman-Jay, S., Polacco, R. C., Molfenter, S. M., & Oshall, M. (2012). Electromyography as a Biofeedback Tool for Rehabilitating Swallowing Muscle Function. In Applications of EMG in Clinical and Sports Medicine. InTech.
  • McCullough GH, Kamarunas E, Mann GC, Schmidley JW, Robbins JA, Crary MA. Effects of Mendelsohn maneuver on measures of swallowing duration post stroke. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2012;19(3):234-243. doi:10.1310/tsr1903-234
  • McCullough GH, Kim Y. Effects of the Mendelsohn maneuver on extent of hyoid movement and UES opening post-stroke. Dysphagia. 2013;28(4):511-519. doi:10.1007/s00455-013-9461-1
  • Bogaardt HC, Grolman W, Fokkens WJ. The use of biofeedback in the treatment of chronic dysphagia in stroke patients. Folia Phoniatr Logop. 2009;61(4):200-205. doi:10.1159/000227997
  • Carnaby-Mann GD, Crary MA. McNeill dysphagia therapy program: a case-control study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2010;91(5):743-749. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2010.01.013
  • Crary, MichaelA., Carnaby (Mann), GiselleD., Groher, MichaelE., & Helseth, E. (2004). Functional Benefits of Dysphagia Therapy Using Adjunctive sEMG Biofeedback. Dysphagia, 19(3).